Friday, April 03, 2009


Just finished reading the Nighthawk graphic novel. Based on the 00's version of the Squadron Supreme character rather than the 80's version, this is exactly what I look for in a graphic novel. Tight storytelling with cinematic art. Marvel originally created the Squadron Supreme characters as a perralell to DCs stable of characters. There was a Superman, a Batman, a Green Lantern, etc.. The first Squdron Supreme was one of the first to deal with superheroes in an adult way. They were flawed.. They died. In fact it preceded Watchmen. As much of a classic as it is, it never had the cultural ressonance. I guess it was a little to ahead of tis time. But in the 00's Marvel decided to re-imagine the characters. Nighthawk is the Batman inthe Squadron Supreme. IN the new version he is a black man trying to clean up the streets. Then comes the psychopathic Whiteface to fuck up his world. This graphic novel is violent, but never gratuitous. It may not let you look away from death, but it doesn't make it look good either. If this was made into a film it would do just as much to place the Batman mythos in the forefront of American culture as the Dark Knight did last summer.

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