Wednesday, August 20, 2008



Recently Tropic Thunder has come under attack by various mental disability advocacy groups. Having had a sister with Downs Syndrome I feel I can comment on this. As much as I appreciate these issues coming into the cultural debate, I feel that in this case the controversy is a bit misguided. What’s being lampooned with the character of Simple Jack is not the mentally challenged, but how Hollywood treats them. It really shines a light on how condescendingly they are portrayed in film and how Hollywood bends over backwards to pat themselves on the back for being sensitive while in reality being cold and calculated. We’ve all seen the academy award nominations for actors and actresses playing mentally challenged characters. Is it possible that maybe the lure of the little gold statue outweighs sympathy? And let’s face it.. some of these films are just awful.. The Other Sister? I Am Sam? So, to all those boycotters I say go a little deeper with your criticism and you may find this film is on your side.

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